Friday, September 28, 2012

Elementary Activities: Riddles & Brain Teasers

By Tiffany Rudd

One of my favorite types of "books" when I was in elementary school were sets of question and answer cards called "Brain Quest." We owned sets from almost every grade. I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be used in some kind of game format, but I remember just reading the questions by myself and trying guess the answer before peaking.
Apparently I am an even bigger nerd than I thought. :)

Anyway, my point is that kids (especially nerdy ones like me) love riddles, brain teasers, and random facts. Why not take advantage of this fact and build their mental acuity while they laugh and have fun?

There are plenty of websites with tons of riddles and brain teasers for kids. Here are just a few that I found:

You can find plenty of books with riddles and brain teasers for kids on amazon, or at your local library and can even still purchase Brain Quest sets on amazon. I'm definitely going to have to buy a few sets for me....I mean my kids. :)

One fun thing about having a 1st grader this year is that I get to pack lunches and include hidden notes. This past week I taped a riddle to the inside of the lid of Cameron's lunchbox each day and then hid the answer somewhere else in or around his lunch. He thought it was pretty cool and said he even quizzed his friends.

Click HERE to print the riddles and answers I used in Cameron's lunch.

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